Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) Technologies

- Pioneering Clinical Genetic Tests
& Solutions - Deploying advanced technologies
- Employing top medical geneticists
- Going beyond boundaries
Empowering Clinicians with Evidence-based Molecular Diagnostics
- NIPT & Reproductive Genetic Test
- Carrier Genetics Test (CGT)
- Karyotyping
- Kinship (Paternity) & Bi-Parental Test
- Inherited Diseases & Microdeletions
- Whole Exome Sequencing (WES)
- Cardio-Health & APOE Gene
- Skin Genotyping
- Pharmacogenomics
- Germline / Hereditary Cancer
- Sanger Sequencing, Digital PCR, etc.
Redefining Genomics
We are committed to continuous research and innovating new genomics diagnostic tests, bioinformatic solutions and technologies to the medical fraternity for better patient care.
With the necessary technical and medical-science expertise, business knowledge and experiences we are definitely not the kind of start-up company that you can find.